
While some would jump at a chance of 4 days off of school (in other words a 6-day weekend), trust me when I say that there are many drawbacks. However, in an effort to remain positive and count the blessings that God is heaping on us amidst all the snowy/icy chaos I have listed the reasons to be thankful for such an opportunity:
  1. The boys and I were blessed with two more days with Scott at home.
  2. I was blessed to spend 6 days straight with my little men (a great addition to the 2.5 weeks we just had).
  3. Since many places were closed the boys had to enjoy the blessings from Christmas toys that we have at home to entertain us - we got to entertain each other as well!
  4. Sean had two days of discipline talks at school and now has a break and doesn't have to deal with the negative situation at school...for now (I wonder if we will get another letter re: discipline in the mail for this break!)
  5. We were able to sit back and marvel at God's provision for us. We had food, electricity, Internet, Netflix, cable, and HEAT throughout.
  6. We have saved a LOT of money on gas and food - gas because Scott didn't drive to work for two days and food because we are eating from our stockpile.
  7. A few more rooms of our house are organized (if only I could take our "give aways" somewhere and get them out of our house for good!).
  8. Aiden has watched a LOT of Disney movies and is better prepared for our next trip to DisneyWorld. that a positive?
  9. I am racking up on the SwagBucks!!
  10. I have probably lost at least 5 pounds because I actually don't tend to eat when I am at home all day.
  11. I FINALLY fixed my Photoshop and am now playing around with my photos.
  12. Catching up on my reading.
  13. I had time to sit back these past few days and spend more time in God's word.
Now if only my little men could enjoy this time together...

Stay blessed!


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