Boy Meets Ocean

Yesterday was our first day at the beach...ever!! It was my first time to the gulf -- I have only known the Atlantic Ocean. Being Sean's first trip to the ocean was a wonder to me! My boy is a big six years old and we live rather close to a coastline. Growing up in Ohio all I had was Lake Erie. So, it kind of saddens me that we haven't brought him before.

We are beginning to realize with Aiden that he is going to experience a LOT more than Sean at an earlier age. this is simply due to the fact that he tags along to all of our activities for Sean, but we never would have had a reason to take Sean to the zoo, or the beach, day hikes etc. at less than a year old. Aiden pays real close attention to everything that we look at and seems to be absorbing it all. It is so wonderful to look at him and wonder what he is thinking and learning.

Sean is more of a mystery when we travel. He imagines such off the wall things about upcoming events and you really have to get him to talk to you about his thoughts. For example, he started worrying that there would be crabs everywhere on the beach -- probably a flashback to a NatGeo special. We tried to assure him that there were no crabs and Scott started to mention the "S" word (sharks)!!! That would have scared Sean to no end!!

But as you can see, boy met ocean and boy loved ocean. We plan many more trips over the next three days with some mini golf sprinkled in :o)

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