In Honor of Mother's Day

This will be my seventh Mother's Day celebrated as a mother yet I seem to have only recently begun to delve into the deeper meanings of motherhood. The past four months have been the most challenging of my tenure as a mother - even more challenging than the first days of my oldest son's life or the nine months of carrying my youngest. My heart has raced, ached, cried and has even broken a bit. But this only results in more joy as my heart dances, smiles and leaps for joy as I begin to see and feel God's purpose in these recent challenges.

After a four month journey of discovery, we are closer to holding the key to the solution for some struggles that my oldest has been facing. I have shed tears of frustration but they are now tears of joy as we gain a deeper understanding of him. There are still some tears of sadness, however, as I truly grasp what he has been going through and try to see the world through his eyes. My heart is heavy laden and much prayer is needed as we work towards helping him grow into the man that God means for him to be. He is such an amazing young man who owns a HUGE chunk of my heart. I know that one day my heart will be bursting with love and joy as he accepts Christ, and accomplishes what the Lord has set out for him. Please be in prayer for my sweet boy - my delicate flower waiting to fully bloom. And what an amazing bloom that will be!

My youngest, and most accident-prone, son has been quite the busybody with injuries lately. It seems as if every day his teacher is asking me what happened there? How did he get a bruise on the side of his nose? When did he scrape his knee? Sometimes these questions are followed with a discussion of whether this injury or that injury happened at school or at home! Seriously, though, I think we are tied. However, none have been more potentially tragic than the incident with his finger. While he is otherwise healthy I thought I had done my best to get him the proper treatment. When we found out the injury could be worse than we thought and have greater consequences on his well-being, the mommy in me was working overtime - worrying and praying and praying some more. He is still needing treatment but for the most part seems to be doing well. But I will forever look at that scar and feel a pain in my heart even though I know that there is nothing more that I could have done. Just remembering the entire night and all that my sweet baby went through is too much. My peace is that the healing of his finger is in God's loving hands and my prayer is that he will cut back on all these "accidents"!

Through all of this I have become stronger and more in love with my angels than I ever thought possible. And let's not forget the man who blessed me with the wonderful gift of motherhood. My husband is so supportive and encouraging yet knows when to tell me to tame the mama bear that is about to come out at times. I pray that we continue to set a good example for our boys as they continue to grow into young men. As we approach our 10th anniversary in a few weeks I pray that we continue to grow closer to each other over the next 10, 25, 50...years of marriage together ;o)

Finally, I give thanks and praise to my Lord and Savior for carrying me when I needed to be carried and walking along side me through the stronger days of my life. Thank you for blessing me with my three men and the wonderful opportunity to be a mother. For it is through this journey that I more clearly see the love that God has for us that he gave his Son for my sins! He gave his SON! That alone demonstrates that while my heart may be bursting for love of my boys, my love is a grain of sand compared to the love that God shows us every day.


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